Monday, September 1, 2014

Home Preserving ~ Tomato Paste

Yesterday, after laundry was on the line, I decided to start with 20 lbs. of paste tomatoes, a few bay leaves and followed the instructions in Keeping the Harvest, by Nancy Chioffi and Gretchen Mead.  

I simmered it down and reduced it into tomato paste.

It will come in handy all winter long.  I did however, can it in the smallest jars, not the 1/2 pints, but kept the processing time the same.  I canned over 10 jars of tomato paste.  

Yesterday we were thrilled to get porch time with Mom.   We enjoyed the company and take a break (although I was stirring my tomato paste it was still a nice visit).   We were able to chat about her sister (my Aunt) without breaking down to tears. 

I told her while recently cleaning my room, I found two packs of Clove chewing gum.  I had purchased them on one of the trips to SC, and had planned to send them in a "happy" box to Aunt.  I also told her that since I feel lost (as she feels lost without someone to call and talk too, like they always did each week), without her to write to, I'll write to her in a journal for now.  I think it would help us both.  Mom left with some books, some tomatoes, a few cucumbers, potatoes and more tomatoes.   

We tackled the corn and enjoyed some at dinner as well.  I do have some leftover, so I am considering some options today.  And then there are the remaining tomatoes.  I'm considering dehydrating some tomatoes this year.  If you dry your tomatoes, what can you make with them after re-hydrating them.  Some things I am considering are chili, soups, stews, casseroles, but I would love more ideas.  Breads? Salads?

The rain has not arrived.  I should have been up earlier.  I need to hook garden hoses to rain barrels to water flower beds, the herb garden and the big garden.  One rain barrel is already almost empty. 

Today, Hubby and I are putting a plan together regarding electronics in the kitchen, the time allowed to use ipods, etc., and so forth.  It's getting out of hand, and I can't be checking, and re-checking when I am out cutting wood, cleaning coops, gardening or canning.  One way or another, with some tips from Mom, we'll get some control over it.  

 Five Minutes for Me ~ My youngest loves to practice hair braids and other new hairstyles.  She often practices on me, and it's very relaxing.  Here is a new one. She'll make a fine hairstylist some day.


  1. I usually dry cherry tomato halves. I use all tomatoes in my sauces and always have left overs cherries, on purpose. A great late fall spaghetti dinner is to saute some onion, garlic, cubed zukes/eggplant/whatever is left in the garden. Add about a cup of water, a huge handful of dried tomato (for 2 diners), cook till tomatoes are al dente. Toss with the 'sgetti & olive oil or butter, and cheese. Tons of fresh parley & basil, too. It's my annual treat to myself after preserving apples some nice autumn day. Jan in NWGA

  2. So nice you got to visit with your Mom and reminisce about your Aunt. the greatest tribute we can pay to someone is not to forget them. She was blessed to be so loved.
    Your tomato paste is so cute in those little jars. You go girl!


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