Sunday, August 31, 2014

Tomato Explosion ~ Goat's Drying up

Okay, so I played around all day in my home, decluttering, creating new piles to file at my computer, and just getting some overdue cleaning done, when I realized I forgot to pick the tomatoes.

With rain in the forecast (which as of this morning we still have not gotten), and well overdue, I decided to seek help from a kiddo.  My 15 year-old and I gathered tomatoes. 

 And more tomatoes.


And even more tomatoes.

And, yes, more tomatoes.

Stayed tuned on what's getting canned next with tomatoes.

And guess what Hubby brought home?  He he he!  Oh the kids are gonna be so angry with me, ha ha!

Corn.  We sat on the porch counting seconds, waiting to hear each one complain.  We all ate dinner on the front porch, and each one said (at a different time), "that's really not that much."  

To that response, was Hubby's "so do you want me to get more?"

"NO!!!!!!" they said in unison (ha ha ha ha!)

The goats are drying up, and I had one last jar of milk.  You guessed it - another batch of delicious homemade goat's milk cream cheese.  This stuff tastes so much better than the stuff at the store. 

If we play cards tonight, we're going to be enjoying cheese and crackers.  Now that I know how to make it, I can double up and use it in recipes such as beef stroganoff and cherry delight perhaps.

Five Minutes for Me ~ relaxation finally, on the front porch with Hubby (after a second shower and in my slippers in pajamas), while two daughters made dinner (burgers and sauteed garden vegetables).  By the way the yellow squash relish is wonderful on burgers.  Mmmm!


  1. All I can say is beautiful! Seeing all of those tomatoes is just a thing of beauty!!! A lovely weekend to you! Nicole xoxo

  2. Oh look at all those yummy tomatoes, I would be thrilled if I had that many in my kitchen.

    Hope you're having a great weekend :)

  3. Those tomatoes are so beautiful. Unfortunately, tomatoes won't grow for us here. This year we even tried actual plants instead of seeds, watering them well every couple of days, and they still died. I think the farmer behinds us must be using some kind of chemicals that reacts badly on our vegie plants, although all of our flowers do very well.
    God bless.

  4. I wish I had that many tomatoes to can, or do I? LOL! Your cheese is magnificent and I always get hungry reading your blog!
    Your crochet looks very pretty...what's it going to be?

  5. The crochet piece will be an eyeglass case.


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