Saturday, August 23, 2014


My heart breaks today.  My Aunt passed away early this morning.

 This was a shock, and completely unexpected. 

She was an awesome Aunt, and I often told her she was my favorite.  She always made me laugh.  She was so fun to be around, and so positive.  I will miss writing letters to her. I will miss getting letters from her.  I will miss our chatter about books, and I will miss sending her books.  I will miss sending her home canned jelly and jam, and I will miss her text messages I got when she received anything from me.  I will miss her love,  her love for life, her advice, her family stories,  her laugh, her voice, her generosity, her everything.

If you are a praying sort of person, please keep my mother in your thoughts and prayers.  She is missing her sister pretty badly today.  It will be a very difficult day for us all.  Mom especially.


  1. I grew up in a large, extended family. My favorite aunt was the very last of all my aunts and uncles to leave us and I felt it was truly the ending of an era. So many memories.

    I am so sorry for your loss . . . and that of your mother and the rest of the family.

  2. Thank you Mama Pea. I wrote her often and had pretty purple flowered paper sitting here ready to write her again. I feel lost without her already.

  3. I'm sorry for your loss. Sending healing thoughts and prayers out to you and your family.

  4. Kristina-
    I'm am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you and your family and the loss you are experiencing. I too have a favorite aunt and enjoy our talks, texts and visits. I've grown so close to her, in the 15 yrs my Mom's been gone.

    The Grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit.Amen. -Phil. 4:23

  5. Oh Kristina, I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending prayers up for your mom and for you and the rest of the family.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. I can understand how you feel. I had that kind of relationship with my grandfather.

    I will most certainly be praying for you and your family.

  7. Dear Heavenly Father,
    Fill these grieving family members with your peace and comfort. May they feel your presence around them as they continue each day. I pray that the lovely memories of this special Aunt be a blessing and comfort to all. Thank you for her life and how much she meant to her family.

    In Jesus Name,

  8. Sorry for your loss Kristina - my condolences to all your family.

  9. Sorry for your loss. I had an aunt I was closer to than my Mom. She was really funny and loved my daughter. She was her granddaughter of sorts, since she never had kids...

  10. Awww, I am so sorry, and am sending love and prayers to you and yours.
    Time seems to pass so quickly as one grows older, and we never know what they next day holds or even if we'll get a next day, so it's important to tell those you love that you love them today.

    The sadness and pain will diminish slightly over time, but when you remember her, remember the good times - just the good times, for that is what will help your heart to heal a little bit each time you remember her.

    God bless.



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