Monday, August 25, 2014

Homesteading Tidbits ~ Canning Potatoes

Although I  took Saturday off, yesterday I was busy with preserving (again).  The tomatoes are once again back in the kitchen.  As soon as I free up table space, I fill it back up.

Yesterday, Hubby and two girls went out to pick tomatoes, while I worked on another batch of canned tomato sauce.

Once I had that reducing, I went outside, but did not have intentions of sweating through my clothes again.   I did.  I ended up helping Hubby dig up one entire row (long rows this year) of potatoes.  I think we ended up with maybe 30 pounds.  Less than expected (should have gotten 3 x that amount), but still a good amount.

My sister-in-law graciously loaned me her pressure canner, and it's an All-American one (woo hoo!).  I'll admit was a bit nervous pressure canning for the first time ever.  The kids came into the kitchen and said, "Whoa!  That piece of machinery looks scary" and "Looks like you are doing a science experiment in here!"  Ha ha!  The toughest part was finding space on the stove to blanch the potatoes, boil and sterilize the jars, and have fresh water boiled to fill the jars.  All in all, we figured it out.

Success!  7 quarts canned.  We'll be doing this again, but not sure if it will be 1, 2 or 3 more times yet.  Some of our potatoes rotted (about one potato per plant), and some were still not as big as I'd like.

I ended up with extra cut potatoes.  One site said 10-14 lbs. and another said 20 for canning 7 qts.  It was more like 13-14 lbs. for mine.  The rest did not go to waste.  We had also brought in a huge bowl of green beans, so while canning, Hubby helped boil the potatoes with green beans, and fry up bacon to go in it.  Man, there is nothing tastier than homegrown potatoes. 

Today, I am canning yet another batch of tomato sauce.  I think I've cut up over 100 lbs. of tomatoes now.   I think this year has been the best year for anything tomato.  We planted less, but got more per plant with tomatoes.  I also got so many more green and wax beans.  

Although it's all good, and to be totally honest, I am totally exhausted from canning.  And today, I plan to put sticky notes all over the kitchen, to remember to add the lemon juice to each jar of sauce. 

This morning I woke up to a goat on my side porch.  Everything was knocked over and he left me two piles of goat poo to clean up.  Hmpf.  Just by picking up my planter, my hands smelled like goat.  At least he came to the porch (again), and not the highway.

I've been filling my evenings with more handiwork.

Thank you all for prayers and kindness during our family's most difficult time.  We very much appreciate it.  Hugs!


  1. I was so sorry to hear about your Aunt. It has really been a rough week around the world it seems. what great memories you have of her and what a great memorial to her.
    You are brave to do the pressure canner but supposedly they are safer than they used to be. I only have one burner working so it makes it very difficult to can but I did get things frozen.
    I love your crochet! Is that a washcloth or afghan?

  2. The crochet picture is corners of two dishcloths I recently finished.


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