Friday, August 1, 2014

Library Goodies ~ Puttin' Up

My older brother shared several books with me, and these two came in recently.  As you can see, I have already started marking recipes to play around with.

All of the books I am sharing today, had to be borrowed from other libraries via the library interloan program.  If a participating library has a book that our library does not, we can still order it, and have it sent to our local library.

Only one library had this book, and I have yet to read all the recipes.  I love it.  There are many that use what we grow in the garden.

Can you believe that have book for this?  Ha!  I saw it on another blog and just had to order a copy.  There are some very neat ideas in it.  I doubt I'll have playtime this summer, but I wanted to get a sneak peek into it just in case.

Catching up has been tough, but I continue to get done what I can.  No pun intended (ha ha!) but I canned another 5 - 1/2 pints of Cinnamon Blueberry Jam, 4 quarts of hot pepper mustard sauce, and chopped up some jalapeno peppers to squeeze into any hole left in the freezer.  I didn't want to drag out the dehydrator for a few handfuls.  Other than that, I've been trying to organize my bedroom again, by decluttering it by a few items a day, and regular chores - laundry, dead-heading flowers, checking the garden, dishes, meals, etc.

I had a little extra mustard sauce, so the kids used it on leftover chicken.  I didn't get a chance to taste it, but according to them, my hot banana peppers are hot this year. 


  1. Don't know if it's good or bad, cut I've been purposely avoiding the library lately. Seems this time of year I bring books home, they sit for four weeks and I have to return them before I even get to look at them! Need to start a winter book list. (Ha! As if I need more books to put on The List!) Summer time, summer time. Don't cha just wish it would s-l-o-w down?

  2. Crafting with cat hair? lol... I just ordered The vegetarian cooking for everyone. I can't wait to start testing recipes. Almost have enough peppers for the mustard sauce!

  3. My daughter bought me about 3 books for diabetic cooking...I haven't cracked open one book yet. I need to-- I'm at the point now where I'm burnt out, with the diet.
    good job on the canning...I just don't plant enough to can too much. I have put 8 qts of green beans in the freezers. Most of all our veggies have gone to the table and we've eaten lots of fresh...either way, still good eatin' !


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