Sunday, August 3, 2014

Camp Out ~ Rubber Bands and Wooden Clothespins

Finally!  We got to take our first camping trip this year.  Although short, we made the most of the time - games, hiking, biking, campfire meals and just hanging out.

Friday, I decided to take some garden goodies on our camping trip.  I had several green peppers that were not going to fit in my freezer, so I chopped them and put them in a recycled glass peanut butter jar.  They were added to breakfast eggs, along with garden onion.  We brought along extra blueberries to add to campfire breakfast pancakes (along with eating them for a snack).

My homemade firestarters are still working great.  I started a breakfast fire with only one this time.

The green peppers were also used to top our campfire pizzas that we made on English muffins.

We toast the muffins top side down for a bit, flip them and add the sauce, toppings and cheese.  Delicious!

We made campfire s'mores, and took garden goodies for meals.  We also took a jar of peanut butter.  Try putting a layer of peanut butter (creamy) on a graham, then top with your chocolate, then your roasted marshmallow and then cracker.  Yum!

We played rummy late into the night, and even played a game of it before tearing down our campsite.

If you look hard enough, you can see pots, grill pan and coffee pot hanging from the sides of our easy-up tent.  It stormed and the water collected in the top, almost collapsing our tent.  We put weight on the sides, using rubber bands, wooden clothespins and pots and pans.  Even though our site looked like the Beverly Hillbillies, it did work.

Ahh!  Relaxation, recuperation and rejuvenation.  That's what it's all about. Unplugging is a must these days.  It was so nice to sit and read a book (and crochet), and not get interrupted a distraction of some sort of another.

Journal writing was peaceful any time of day on this trip.

We are back washing up our laundry and settling back in.  I best get my linens on the clothesline.  It looks like rain again.

Do you unplug often?  


  1. I adore camping. My family and family friends of ours have been going to a campground that does Christmas in July. We took our twin grand babies, 18 months this time. My son, their dad, loved that this tradition goes on with his kids. Many a wet year I thought never again, But even as adults my kids loved it, so I go. We got soaked again this year, but won second place for our decorations!

  2. longtime wife, I would love to do a Christmas in July! Ha! My kids would once again think I am nuts!

  3. Those muffins and the graham crackers with peanut butter sound amazing! Good planning with the food! And what an awesome camping trip! Loved everything about this post! Nothing better than this friend...have a great week! Nicole xo

  4. I am not much for camping, not at all. I think growing up with five siblings in a large old house with a propane stove, a coal furnace and a lousy well that often found us at laundromats to clean clothing and at neighbors or relatives to take showers kinda did it for me, and what that didn't do, Marine Corps boot camp did. After all that, I was done, and after all that, my idea of "roughing it" was accidentally leaving my blow dryer at home.
    Don't get me wrong now, I'm grateful for the life lessons I learned then that taught me how to survive through real tough times, I'm just not over anxious to do it again any time soon, especially if I have to think of it as "fun". ROFLOL

    God bless.



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