Monday, June 16, 2014


Spent Sunday weeding rose bushes.  Good thing I waited to do it last.  I was going to pull an entire rose bush, that I had thought died over winter.  After weeding and cutting it back, I found one tiny new sprout of growth.  Oh happy day!  It's my most fragrant rose bush I have so far.

I enlisted the kiddos in taking dry my herbs and getting them in jars.   I actually forgot to cut more, and since it did not rain, that is first on my to-do list today.

I woke up at 4am not feeling so well.  I'm taking the day slowly.  I ran out of ginger root, and do not feel like driving anywhere to get it (to make some homemade ginger-ale).  It's very hot and humid today.  Not a good day to be working outside anyway.


  1. I know we can all "get used" to hot, humid weather but I don't really think it's the best weather for a human body to thrive in(!). So do take it easy today, keep lots of healthy liquids flowing through your system and don't stress yourself. (Did I just sound like your mother?)

  2. Mama Pea, you did sound like my mother. Ha ha!

  3. YAY!!! For the new growth on your rose!!!! And I hope you are feeling better soon friend! Nicole xoxo


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