Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fire Starters and Random Tidbits

There were a few requests on how I made these fire starters.  I do write another blog regarding the use of scraps of just about anything, and creating something new, useful or even art. 

If you click on the link below, it will take you to the instructions on how we make these, and what's included. 

(click here) How to Make Fire Starters Using Walnut Shells and Cardboard Egg Cartons

Tip: You can also make fire starters by saving cardboard paper towel tubes, and dryer lint.  Simply stuff the lint into the cardboard tubes and use to start the campfire.

Thank you all for asking for this information, as it made me realize I have not posted a new project on my S.C.R.A.P. blog lately.  I will have to work on that.  And of course you gave me material to write on this blog today.  

It's a peaceful morning, but I'm sure that will change with the truck and 4-wheel noise.  The survey contract finally arrived, so that will be done soon (patiently tapping my tops waiting for the survey and the township to call us). Yesterday it was another loud day, and we actually had to put buckets and a private property sign (no trespassing) in the driveway entrance.   I'm thinking the township had to pay them a visit yesterday (or today), to see his actual business in motion first (before they can do anything).  That land is marked for farm use, and it's not being used for farming, and that land is zoned too.   Patience.....what a hard thing right now.  


Since our chickens are bigger this year, I have more chicken leftover.  I am putting some black beans in the crock pot, for chicken/black bean/avocado/salsa burritos.  The avocado is a good food for helping fight diabetes for Hubby.  And it's healthy for all of us of course.  We just don't eat enough of them.   

In my research regarding gmo foods (sigh), I found out that most wine today is made with genetically modified yeast.  Ugh.  Seriously?  They had to mess with wine now?  I'm looking into this more, as we visit a local winery a few times a year.  I wonder if their wine is gmo free. Hm.  Yep, gonna have to look into that.


  1. I absolutely LOVE avocados! Except I'm too cheap to buy them at a buck a pop. When they're on sale I buy a bunch and we have guacamole and avocado salad until they are gone :)

  2. I researched msg's in beer and found that beer isn't even regulated! They can put what ever they want in them :/
    When I have time (hysterical laughter) I like to make homemade wine. If you let it sit for six months it's the best stuff you've ever drank. The problem is letting it sit for six months, lol!!!!

  3. Count me in as another avocado lover here! Long ago, hubby's brother in California had an avocado tree in his yard and knowing how much I loved them, would send me a BIG box of them. You know this was long ago because now to send that box from CA to MN would cost more than his monthly mortgage payment. Anywho, those avocados were like nothing I've ever tasted since. REAL avocados! So, so good. Sigh. Now I'm sounding like a ancient, old crony talking about how "things used to be!"

  4. Carolyn, I just found a new recipe for avocado hummus. I can't wait to try it.

    Mama Pea, you made me laugh about shipping costs. That would be an awesome treat to get a box of avocados.

    Kelly, we are lucky to have a local acquaintance who makes his own pear wine. We sometimes get lucky enough to get a bottle of it.


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