Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Random Tidbits

I said I was not going to use my stove yesterday, but I did.  Hubby brought home some ginger root and club soda yesterday, so early in the morning I made a double batch. This is so refreshing on a muggy day too.  This is one of the recipes I most likely will have ready for when my older two are home.  They have been writing home about recipes they want me to make.

If you want the recipe, click here:  Homemade Ginger Ale

I boiled one dozen eggs, as the layers are gifting us generously (and I have yet to drive extras to town for Mom and brother).  To be honest, it's been too hot to drive.  That's my excuse in case Mom is reading this (ha ha!).  I put two more dozen eggs in the back fridge to sit for a week or so.  I found letting them sit longer helps the peeling process after boiling them. We are enjoying them as snacks, for egg salad,  lettuce salads and other meals.

I am making these mini granny rounds.  I glue them into recycled bottle caps for necklaces and keychains.  They are fun for gifting, thank you's and wearing.

I made myself this one, to match a top that I plan to fit into after I lose another 10 pounds or so.

I make the 3 colored granny rounds into keychains, and the 2 colored ones into necklaces.  These are another fun way to use of scrap #10 thread, or recycle bottle caps.  

No rain yesterday. The heat index was up about 94°F or higher.  Humidity is still hovering.  I'm not sure I'll be weeding today even.  The sky however, is looking more promising than yesterday, but then again it tricked us.  Praying for rain today.

I walked 4.1 miles yesterday and am down 2.4 pounds since I started back up.  I have 30.6 pounds to go.  Hubby is down about 20 pounds now.  I better get off here and get walking.  When it does rain, if it ever will, it will be heavy with storms possible.


  1. Thank you for the ginger recipe...I may have copied it before but that was on my old in peace.
    I just bought a big piece of ginger so I can't wait to try the ale recipe especially.
    I love your little bottle cap crochet! I save bottle caps but so far haven't done anything with them...par for the course. Those are darling!
    I've been walking and it has been really energizing for me...not when I first get home but after a while I find I have more energy. Good for you with your weight loss!

  2. Thanks for the reminder of how handy it is to have some hard boiled eggs on hand. I'll go do some right away. Curious tidbit, I've found our bantam eggs are much harder to peel even when allowed to "age" a bit. Wonder why?

    Your crocheting talent allows you to create so many lovely things. My mom was a fantastic crocheter, but not so much me!

    Hoping you get some rain and that it cools off for you. Our temps aren't as warm as normal for this time of year, but with all our wood working, it's plenty warm enough for us to work up a sweat!

  3. I love those necklace/key chain things - I think I'll start drinking beer just to get some bottle tops!!
    I'm going to try your ginger ale recipe but can you tell me what club soda is? I've never seen it here but i'm sure there is some kind of equivalent.
    Well done with your exercise programe!

  4. Emma, you could use a sparkling mineral water, carbonated water, or soda water.

    Mama Pea, we too have a hard time peeling. Not sure why, but these last ones were not too bad (barred rocks and auracanas).

    Sam I am, I think you will really like the ginger ale. My kids won't drink store brand after having the homemade kind.

  5. Boiled Eggs! Yes... I just made some up yesterday to have on hand, when I want to snack on a protein snack between meals.
    I've not 'PLANNED' any meals yet...and having my sugar heading in a downward way...I find myself SOO HUNGRY especially after activity!
    Those little bottle caps are cute with the granny rounds in them.
    I tell ya-- you have some of the cutest little ideas!
    They'd make cute zipper pulls for back packs too!

    -- see you! Pat

  6. Pat, zipper pulls are a great idea, thanks!

  7. Hi Kristi!
    If you want to use your fresh eggs right away, try STEAMING them for 20 minutes instead of boiling them. The submerse them in a cold ice bath...shells will peel right off!!!! I used to have the same problem, and was so upset that I couldn't use my fresh eggs for hard boiled/ egg salad etc. the steaming trick works perfectly!

  8. At one time, I used to have a steamer gadget just for boiling eggs. But I wore it out until it wouldn't work anymore.


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