Thursday, June 19, 2014

Garlic Scapes ~ Storms

My garlic needed the scapes cut off, and although I was tempted to walk them over to "Big Boy," I ended up making pesto with them.

I bought these cute pesto cube trays, and they do come in two sizes.  The smaller ones hold 2 ounces each, and pop in the tray nicely.  I have to show these to Hubby, so he'll want to get me a deep freezer next year.  If you are wondering where you can buy them, they are sold at Gardener's Supply Company.

Our day went from hot and muggy, to a nice cool evening.  About 4pm, storms rolled in, and about 4:40pm we lost our power.  Being used to it, we simply grabbed books and writing paper and went to the porch.  Some of us stayed inside on account of lightning.    

I was writing a letter to our daughter, and the power came on about 6pm.  I had to laugh when our 12 year-old finally said, "hey, when did the power come back on?"  We've been through it so many times, there is never a rise in blood pressure of panic anymore.  We have camping lanterns in two rooms, flashlights, and a string of battery operated lights. 

Quite honestly, I think the power outage gives us more family time.  More quiet time, and more time to ourselves.

With the power back on, we could open the fridge for dinner.  I had made a quinoa/black bean salad.  I found it here online,  and it was pretty good.  I did use honey vs. the maple syrup. I also used carrots, but I think roasted sweet potatoes would taste delicious in it.

This morning I realized I forgot to plug the coffee pot back in after the storm ended.  It was the longest 30 minutes of waiting in my life.  I had to wait for the water to heat in it, before I could brew it.  Boy that coffee tasted good.


  1. I LOVE those little freezer cubes! I use ice cube trays, freeze items like herbs, tomato paste etc. and then pop them into freezer bags.
    My Keurig is starting to act up so I'm thinking I may just get a french press and call it a day. I've been wanting one in case of a power outage. I could heat water on grill or fire box and then use the french press or better yet....a battery powered Keurig! LOL!

  2. That's funny - we've had storms today and I also made pesto - mint and spinach.

  3. I want trays just like that for our pesto! They are the perfect size! And growing up we always lost power at my folks house. I agree with makes for good memories and family time. We actually lost power 2 years ago on thanksgiving at their home and we ate by candlelight.... We told the kids this is how the pilgrims ate! So fun! Wishing you a lovely weekend lady! Nicole

  4. Yes, there really is a change in one's thinking and activities when the power goes off, isn't there? It's almost like everything slows down and feels more relaxed.

    My garlic hasn't started to show any scapes yet, but I'm looking forward to them!

  5. I am dehydrating mine right now as I read this,( to make garlic powder.) This must be a garlic day. Several of my friends are also working with garlic today .

  6. I also make pesto from my scapes. It is so good!

  7. What a GREAT idea!!!
    Waste not, want not!!!
    God bless.


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