Friday, April 18, 2014

Homestead Tidbits ~ Red Raspberry Plants

The snow did not hurt my daffodils, or even the new sprouts of green onions in my herb garden.

I purchased two red raspberry plants and those are now planted too.  I'm not sure how long it will take for us to get berries, but I am anxious to harvest them.

Now that I know more about the two organic labeled brands of milk at our local grocer, we may keep some of the goats for another year.  It's the only "real" milk supply we can locate.  After reading an article published this past February about Horizon milk, and how they were found to have supplied their milk from penned cattle, and not grazing cattle, for the third time no less, I am apprehensive about buying organic milk in stores. 

A beam fell in one of the barns we store garden/mower items, as well as the camper.  Not what I wanted to wake up to see today.  I am praying Hubby has time, and help to fix it (and soon).
I've already been outside weed-whipping.  To be honest, it felt good to be out there to get things pretty again.    I definitely need a lot more tulips planted. I think I will go fetch the morning eggs and make myself some breakfast.  A teensy bit of rain is on the way.


  1. Raspberries are one of my favorites.
    I need to replant some.

  2. Enjoy your beautiful life! :-) Someday I hope it will be me writing about gathering the morning eggs and getting milk from my goats.


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