Saturday, April 19, 2014

Home Fermentation ~ Homemade Sauerkraut ~ Sparta's in the Dog House

In our intent to maintain good health, and make progress in our self-sufficiency, I decided to inquire more on the fermentation process with cabbage.

I borrowed books from the library.  These are always helpful.

I read online websites and blogs offering tips and advice.  I found several processes - loose lids, no lids and fabric, etc.

I made my own sauerkraut, using the lacto-fermentation process (no cooking), organic cabbage, and a canning jar.  I don't really have space for a fermenting crock, so making it in canning jars was perfect for us.

The results?  It will take about 21 days before we can taste it.  Now, when my garden yields a good crop of cabbage, I have a better knowledge of a healthier lifestyle.  If you have experience with this, and have any tips, I'd love to hear them.

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Yesterday, I went out to let my chickens out.  I found Sparta, our rooster, hanging from the chicken wire, towards the bottom of the coop.  His talon was caught in it and he was just hanging there.  My 17 year-old (vet in training) got him loose, and later gave him a splint.  He broke his leg.  He's not really in a "dog house," but in a dog kennel to recuperate.  He's eating and drinking, but it could take up to a month to heal up.  I hope to find him in good spirits today.

I am not a superstitious person, but coincidentally, three not-so-nice things happened yesterday.  I am not one to share "bad" news for the sake of a pity party, but I do like to share the realities of a self-sufficient lifestyle and what can happen.  

First, this pole, that supports two metal beams that run through the center of the barn we just re-roofed last summer, fell on it's own. We have no idea how or why.  It just fell.  The beams are sagging downward, pulling down the roof, so Hubby and I rigged it until he can get the pole back in place.  

Second, was finding Sparta caught up on the chicken wire.

Third, unrelated to homesteading, Hubby accidentally broke my round butter dish.  I guess he just gave me the "green light" to plan a weekend trip to go antique shopping now.


  1. So sorry about Sparta...I hope he heals and recovers. I wanted to be a vet when I was younger...instead ended up in computer science..go figure.
    It does seem to be a threes thing but good things come in ones...what's up with that? LOL!
    Yes, go to the nearest flea, thrift or antique shop OR you could just use a plate, like I do but that wouldn't be nearly as much fun. Hope that's all the bad luck for this month at least. Enjoy your weekend and some day I am going to make sauerkraut as I love it. Good for you!

  2. Well hopefully now that is all out of the way with no so good things happening .
    I hope you get your barn scootched back up nice and safe for you, that Sparta heals up good and strong and that you get to enjoy your antique hunting :)
    Glad that beam missed hitting anyone !

  3. How Sparta get well soon. I love any excuse to go antique shopping.

  4. Now there's been three, you're in the clear and can start anew.
    Praise and Thank God the damage and injury to chickie weren't more serious.
    Prayers for the chickie.
    God bless.

  5. I've been wanting to try making sauerkraut for ages, will be following intently to see how yours goes!
    My dog is in the 'real' dog house today - he bit a big lump of feathers and skin from one of the hens this morning!!


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