Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Farmgirls Ain't Afraid to Get Dirty ~ New Blackberry Bushes

Although I have just begun, you can see that this herb garden is cleaning up nicely already.  I have much more to do, but it's starting to look much better since the goat somewhat destroyed it.  I am taking advantage of any good weeding weather day here.

Want to see what Hubby bought me?

I love it!  Ha ha!  On his way home from work last night, he said he bought me something, because he knew I'd "like it."

Timmy (top photo) and Aurora (bottom photo) were "chillin" on the porch with me late afternoon.  I sipped green iced tea and crocheted, and they slept.  Even though we had an overcast day, the temperatures were perfect for outdoor work.

(rose bed waiting to be weeded.  We did use newspapers to keep the weeds and grass coming up, but as you can see, it needs weeded regardless)

Two rain barrels are now back in place.  My winter rain barrel care will soon be tested with the spring rains.  I have two more to set back up today.

I sent Hubby to the store (on his way home from work) for two blackberry plants.  He came home with four.  Good thing I did not send him for the two red raspberry starter plants, as he would have come with six! Ha ha!  I think he's a little anxious to grow some new fresh fruit.  Either way, these plants will be a blessing.

I am getting a bit of color in my flower beds now too.  If you look up at the first herb garden photo, you can see a few daffodils too. 

There are more colorful hyacinths coming up too.  My lilac bush now has buds on it.  I can't wait to sit on the porch and smell that wonderful fragrance they produce.

As for my allergies, my natural remedy is working so good it is drying me out too much.  So, thankfully, I decided to try my homemade vapor-rub, since it is made from coconut oil.  It works great.  I am so glad I made it.  It's kind of tough trying to run a humidifier when the windows are now open. 

Happy Earth Day!


  1. So nice to see some favorite flowers in bloom! The herb garden is looking good! I planted red raspberries yesterday.

  2. I'm experiencing spring time and getting out in the dirt through you. Still too much snow and wet and bit of frost here to do it.

    I've tried to grow blackberries up here (I love them), but we just don't have a warm enough climate. Raspberries though . . . they grow like gangbusters.

  3. P.S. So glad to hear you're able to keep your allergies under control this spring!

  4. I have that some shirt. Mine is from Tractor Supply. I finally got peaches and pums this year. Praying we don't get a freeze.


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