Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cheesy Potatoes from Scratch ~ How they Rated and Other Self-Sufficient Tidbits

Easter Sunday I decided to make my cheesy potatoes from organic potatoes (not frozen), and eliminate all the processed ingredients (canned mushroom soup, Velveeta cheese etc).

The results?

I used a recipe from "Simply Scratch" (online), which used a bit of my home grown green onions too.  However, it eliminated the cream cheese, and although these were "okay" and "not bad" (according to my test crew), they were not an awesome great either.

The family wants their original cheesy potatoes back, so I may have to experiment again.  For the above recipe, I did use a non-gmo organic chicken broth (did not have any homemade on hand).  I think I will bake it just a bit longer, to get the edges browned more too.

I cannot wait to make this with homegrown potatoes too.  Speaking of that, I am finally picking up my garden potato starters (and onions) today.  

Yesterday was a very prosperous day.  So much in fact, that I actually took a short nap.  I was that tired.  I have to get used to this outdoor work schedule again.  Needless to say, I did not get any "handiwork time" in my day.  I think the winter killed my dwarf bleeding heart plant, so I may have to replant one. 

My asparagus is up about 2 inches now.  I hope to harvest some soon.  

One of the elderberry plants already has new growth, as well as the red raspberry plants. 

Rooster (Sparta) is showing signs of healing.  My 17 year-old daughter (vet in training) takes him out and puts him in the grass to peck around and get some sunshine.  He's eating an drinking, and starting to get up when his ladies are let out each day.  

It's only April, but we already have two trees to cut and split (gifts from extended family on Hubby's side).  It's perfect weather for splitting wood too.  We'll just have to squeeze it in, on Sunday's, when Hubby is off work - one truck load at a time.

In my attempt to find real organic milk, I have found zero.  I even emailed a local farm in a nearby state, who sells their "local" milk at a store in my home town.  They were honest.  They emailed back and told me that the grain they feed their cows is not gmo-free.

Well, I must get off this computer and start my day.  I'm already late in getting my (intentional) exercise started. And I am sure all the animals need watered and fed.


  1. Well the potatoes look good! I am trying to find some bare root asparagus to plant. Love that stuff!

  2. My potatoes are up and doing good. I am hoping the sudden cold weather doesn't hurt them.

  3. Yeah, gotta have the cream cheese (I use the ones with the chives) and cheddar,'s too bland, I'd think.

    I haven't used canned soup for anything for years other than the Healthy Choice Mushroom Soup that I use a couple of times a year for my baked Salisbury Steak, because we can't do msg in anything - migraines set in, and most canned soups contain it. Ouch!!!

    God bless.



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