Friday, April 25, 2014

Broody Hen ~ Pie Pan "Bird Bangers" ~ Canned Tuna

We have one hen that refuses to get off the eggs.  The problem?  Well, Sparta is in the dog kennel, so the eggs have zero chance of fertilization.  Go figure.  It's the perfect time to let her sit on some, but we can't.  Sparta has a lot of healing to do first.

Last year I tied pie pans to recycled metal tent poles, and placed them in the strawberry beds.  When the wind blows, they bang and scare off the birds.  I know it's kind of "hill billy" but it works.

This spring I reset three of them, and I noticed it even keeps the hens out of them (if there is wind).  I may have to add a few more to my herb garden too (or fence the chickens near the barn). 

Canned Tuna

 Real tuna does exist!  I found this "Wild Planet" brand in the organic section of our grocery store.  Can you read the label? It says "No liquid or fillers added, No BPA used in can lining, and Non GMO"  The ingredients are tuna and sea salt.  That's it.

The cost?

The soy filled tuna sells for 10 for $10 on most days here.  This is the problem we have today.  The can of Wild Planet tuna cost me $4.69.  I'll be savoring this can of tuna, and I'll be watching for sales on it.  I can't tell you how many nights we ate tuna and noodle casserole when the kids were very young.  That's a lot of soy I didn't even know I was ingesting or feeding my family.


  1. Thank you for introducing me to that brand of Tuna !

  2. I wonder if the pie plates would scare off roly poly's. They ate 1/2 my strawberries last year :/

  3. Willow, you are welcome.
    Kelly, I also plant some of my onions in with strawberries, to deter bugs.


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