Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snowed In and Loving It!

We did get snow on Friday night, but most of it came down all day Saturday.  Thank goodness there was no wind, so drifting was not a problem.  We are getting more snow today too. 

I took advantage of the snowfall, and stayed in and cleaned my bedroom.  I was just getting a table ready for Hubby and I to have a candlelight dinner in there, but work called him away. 

My 16 year-old daughter was out watering her goats, when Sapphire came along and wanted a drink too.

Winston is is quite the cat.  He loves his morning snuggling with me, and loves to sit in the windows.  We've even caught him playing with yarn, so I gave him a pipe cleaner to play with.  But.....he can't stay.  I hope to have him a good home soon.  He's only listed on the Humane Society's "found" page for 24 more days.  

Today I am thankful for:
~ a warm house
~ breakfast made by Hubby, his omelets are awesome!
~ a clean bedroom
~ the "possibility" of a candlelight dinner tonight with Hubby
~ online sermons
~ good news in my inbox
~ God's Grace
~ books
~ that God led Winston to us, so we can find him a good home
~ Hubby
~our chickens, for all their hard work in producing their eggs


  1. We were in a parade yesterday and it started snowing like crazy , I loved it :) Your barn looks so beautiful.

  2. Good luck on finding Winston a new forever home!

  3. We are getting the snow here too.
    Freshly fallen snow always looks so pretty!
    My oldest is hoping school gets cancelled tomorrow!

  4. Hope you get to make up that candle light dinner... Love the beautiful barn pictures with the snow. So sweet that you are looking out for Winston, hope he finds a home soon.
    I love reading your thankful lists...


  5. (Hooray! I am finally able to comment.)

    We had another inch of snow before dawn this morning and the forecast is calling for 80% chance of more snow during this day. Talk about a white Christmas this year!

    Winston is such a good cat there must be the perfect home for him out there. Maybe as a Christmas present . . . for him AND his new family!


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