Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Homestead and Family Tidbits

The kids took advantage of the snowfall, and did some indoor creative artwork.  And, as you can see, I shoveled out my clothesline.  It was actually nice in the sun that particular day.  We've had 2 days of school delays, but no closings.  Last night my son's car went off the road on his way to work (3rd shift), but thanks to extended family, we got him safely back on the road (without injuries).

Being "snowed in" means being creative with stocked up food.  We cooked up the last of our homegrown pinto beans, with a few onions, for bean burritos.  Yum! 

At the last minute last night, our 11 year-old announced she needed a Brazilian food to bring to school.  She googled "last minute, no time to shop  easy Brazilian food" and came up with an easy Brazilian Cheese bread ( Pão de Queijo).  Very easy, and we luckily had all the ingredients.

Our 14 year-old got out the water color paints and had some fun.  She claims she is now addicted to painting. Ha ha!

Our 16 year-old caught the Christmas spirit and made some more buckeyes.  Shhh, don't tell Hubby, we hid them until next week - he he!

Our 11 year-old is a bit sick, and has been continuing to do her daily exercise, even though I told her to take a day off.  She's determined to keep her routine.  I wonder where she gets her stubbornness?  He he.

Winston spent an entire day under the Christmas tree.  One day it was Tiger's favorite chair.  He continues to enjoy looking out one window when we first get out of bed.  He begs for his morning loving from everyone, and this morning followed our 14 year-old around begging.  He later gave up on her, and entertained himself by batting around a piece of dog food.  He's now entertaining himself with a sliver of silver wrapping paper. 

Our 19 year-old came over with her boyfriend for dinner last night.  She fell in love with Winston and begged us to keep him until her military basic training is over.  I hated to tell her, that I was not doing that, as I plan (sigh) to re-home him sooner than that.  That's the plan anyway.

"Mom there's something banging around in the goat/chicken barn, and I'm going to bed," announced my tired son.

"Prim must be out of her pen again."

Primrose is one hilarious goat.  She can jump out of her pen, get some hay, make a mess, and jump right back in.  I guess we better go check on her.


  1. Glad all was well that ended well .
    Be safe in your snow globe !

  2. Glad to hear no one was hurt. all our snow is melted.

  3. Glad your son didn't get hurt & help was there.

    Beautiful water colors!

  4. Loved that you dug your cloths line out! lol...Glad your son wasn't hurt.

  5. Glad to hear that you son wasn't injured, hope there wasn't too much damage to the car either.
    Love your daughters watercolors!
    We're smogged-in at the moment - a lot less fun than being in snowed in!
    Take care.

  6. Thank goodness your son is alright. Your kids definitely know how to entertain themselves...what a great quality.


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