Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

"Honey?  Remember I told you I felt the driver's side was lower than the passenger's?"

When one car gets fixed, another breaks down.  Hubby is lucky to get his truck back home.  I can't remember the part he had to replace, but he (and my son) got it completely fixed by nightfall. Yay!

While they fixed the truck, I spent a few hours cutting up nylon netting for dish scrubbies. The kids are finding things to keep themselves busy too, including a game they played at Thanksgiving (with their cousins).  Get this.  It's a game with styrofoam cups.  They simply swat it back at forth, while everyone sits on the floor.  That makes Christmas shopping easy - a bag of cups. Ha ha ha ha! I have to give them credit.  It did not involve electronics. Ha ha!

Although Hubby is taking today off to watch the Ohio State/Michigan game, he's working on other home projects.  One that involves my utility room and lack of storage for my appliances.  You know.....sauce maker, dehydrator, canning jars, canning pot, etc.  Plus, I am moving some of my craft supplies in there to re-organize my bedroom closet (which is our "safe room" for tornado weather).  And the "utility" room is already the "storage" room for the coats, sweeper, mop, brooms, rags, pet food, goat supplies, extra chicken and goat feed.....get my drift?  It's the last room, the only room, to store these items in.  It's just got to get figured out, and soon.


  1. Very nice post!
    Have a nice day! Cath.

  2. I hate it when one of our cars break down. Glad it hear it was nothing really bad.

  3. Hi -
    Wondering what the chicken is sitting in. Looks like a dryer inside, not that I'd find that unusual. We had one that refused to sit anywhere but in a dresser drawer of an old dresser we were trying to knock apart to burn in the backyard. Every time we took her out, she ran right back to it, so we finally put it in the hen house and just gave it to her. She used it til she died. Sweet old thing!
    God bless.

  4. She is actually sitting in a metal roost that we picked up for $25.00 (and old one that holds about 12 roosts for the chickens. It hangs up on the wall, and has wooded steps for them to exit either level.

  5. How cool! Thanks for responding.
    God bless.


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