Friday, November 29, 2013

Past December Months

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner yesterday.  I thought we were going to have coon for the meal too.  My son took the dogs out for their walk, and Alias sniffed out a sleeping raccoon (in one of the barns).  He actually woke it up, went after it, but thankfully backed off with my son's calls.  He did get cut in the mouth area, but it's healing nicely.  So, needless to say we set the trap, but we haven't caught it yet.

One little funny about dogs.  Hubby told me that he keeps having dreams that he comes home from work, and the house is filled with rescued shelter dogs....ha ha ha ha!  Every time I read a letter to the editor about the dogs at the shelter (a kill shelter), he starts to sweat with panic.  "There better not be another dog her when I get home tomorrow," he'll say before I even read the paper. He he he!

Once again, all of the food was delicious.  This year I made Rachel Ray's stuffin' muffin's.  Delicious.  By the way, I made these prior to leaving for the meal, and the reheated nicely.

The white Christmas tree is up in my bathroom, and decorated with red lights and ornaments.  In fact, Tiger thinks this tree is put up specifically for him.  

It can be 4:00am, and you can catch that cat sitting on the corner of the sink, batting ornaments around.  I have already found one ornament behind the toilet, and one with beaded wire, all stretched out.  Hmpf.  I better get some catnip toys made for that boy.  And soon.

As we approach December, the family struggles with feelings of past Decembers.  Over the years there has been an accident that involved two of my kids, sending one to the hospital with a broken jaw.  One year another daughter was in a car accident.  One year, just before Christmas, we lost our dog Gus in a tragic accident.  Mom was also recovering from heart surgery, and in a nursing home one year.  At one point this past fall, a few of the kids asked for us to "skip Christmas" this year.  

I continue to pray that our upcoming month of "December" holds wonderful times together, and blessings in abundance.  That the kids embrace the "reason for the season" and we are blessed with good health and healing.  I can't tell them to forget, but continue to ask them to thank God for what He continues to bless us with.

I am thankful for:

~being able to adopt Alias into our home

~the new apron Mom gifted me with (I'll share a photo soon)

~Mom gifting me her sewing machine

~all the kids home today to help wash all the Thanksgiving dishes

~Hubby finding a local man to who fixed my son's car in one day, and inexpensively

~the sun shining today

~the lack of traffic going by the house today (that are bonuses for black Friday shopping when you stay home)

~God's Love

~comfortable shoes to workout in

~hot water


  1. I will be saying a prayer for your family during this "special month". And may we all remember to praise him, even during the bad times.

  2. Poor boy, he was just protecting the family.

  3. Michelle, he's doing much better today. Thanks.

    Kim, Amen, and Amen.

  4. Will be praying for your family's December and Christmas too.
    Just keep it simple, and you'll be surprised how much those simple things can mean to one's heart, and usually so inexpensively too.

    And maybe have the dog checked. Coons carry rabies.

    God bless.



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