Saturday, September 14, 2013

Peppers, Bats and Rats

I just had to share this.  We got three habanero peppers from the garden this year.  That's all.  I think we planted 4 habanero pepper plants among our 50-some pepper plants this season.

Check out how small they are too.  Hubby had to laugh when he saw them.  I'm not sure what I will make with them yet. Possibly a second trial run on a hot pepper jelly.

I got three cayenne peppers too.  Those went in the salsa I recently canned.  I think we got one very small green pepper and some super chili peppers.

I'm praying that next year's investments will be producing more bounty overall. 

Only in our house.....will you watch the sunrise, sip coffee, and chat with your kids about what bat and rat poop looks like.  

We have a rat and a bat living in the upper loft of our goat/chicken barn and rat traps are being set.  However, my 16 year-old was attacked early morning by a bat, while tending to her goats.  She laughed, and said she used her goat's mineral feeder to cover her head and run.  Bats are great, but not when then they take over the barn.  I am thinking we really do need to build a bat house.


  1. Yup, I believe a bat house is in order. Need to make him feel at home before he leaves for good.

  2. That's a pretty puny pepper! What do you think happened to all your pepper plants? Was the summer too cool?

    I'm surprised the bat swooped down on your daughter this morning. Aren't they supposed to be nocturnal? The only time we see them around here is at dusk when they come out for their hunting of insects.

  3. We had way too much rain early in the season, and a late frost (which never happens here) as well. It was pretty much flooded out, and it killed off 90% of our garden. The moisture caused mold, and everything died off. Then it got very hot, and dry. Only a few pepper plants are still growing, but as you see, producing very small and very little. We did manage to get some tomatoes, but not much else. It was a very bad harvest for us. I did not can sauce, ketchup, or my taco sauce this year. Sad, sad, sad.

  4. I forgot to comment on the bat. Not sure why it was flying out in the morning. I just hope it's not sick. That's the last thing we need.

  5. Don't forget you can string and dry peppers, especially those one doesn't have many of or ones that are too strong. Then once dry, you can pulverize into a powder, mix to suit your family's taste, and add to soups, stews, beans, meat dishes, etc. to spike them up a little - or a lot.

    When stringing (I just use a long sewing needle and some quilting thread), be sure to leave about a finger width of space between each one for air circulation, or where they touch, they may rot instead of dry. I put a little knot in the thread between each one as I'm adding them to keep them spaced cause they shrink a little as they dry, and then will move towards each other without the knot there.

    Before pulverizing, you can either leave the seeds in for more heat, or you can remove them. I always remove them so we get the pure flavor and heat of the pepper itself.

    And personally, I mix all the pepper dust together. We call it "Devil Dust" because it's so hot but it's very tasty too. LOL

    God bless.



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