Friday, September 13, 2013

Bottle Cap Jewelry ~ Military Mom

I've been playing around with recycling more bottle caps here.   This was the first one I made.  The center is hand  crafted with embroidery work. 

When I first talked to the girls about this idea, and they saw me painting at the kitchen table (I don't have a "craft room"), they cringed at what it would look like.  I guess wearing bottle caps did not appeal to them at the time.

However, when I finished it, my 11 year-old was begging to wear it to school.  

How did I make it? 

I am now working on a tutorial that will be posted on my S.C.R.A.P. blogspot soon.   

Other Family-Farm events:

I am now a Military Mom.  Although it tugs at my heart strings, I am impressed with my 19 year-old daughter's decision.  She has joined the National Guard.   My 21 year-old son is now researching the job possibilities by joining the Army.  

The kids are "into" this baby food baking thing now.  Guess what I am buying today?  A few more jars for a different cake recipe. Ha ha!  I need the jars anyway, so it's a win-win situation. 

Speaking of baby food, I'm taking a trip to town today,and making a delivery to my 19 year-old.  The kids here, have actually told me "not to cook anymore." Ha ha!  With the house to myself, and with the kitchen staying clean more often, I am in a much better mood to cook and bake.  Clutter definitely depresses my spirit.  So, with so many leftovers, and some carrot cake, she's getting a delivery of home cooked meals.  I have enough to make a trip over to my Dad's, and gift him some food too.

I've been busy as ever, working on items for the last Farmer's Market of our season this year.  I hope to have some updates to share soon, but time is always a factor.  

My clothesline broke yesterday.  Of all days, it broke.  I had sheets on it too.  However, it didn't break between the other two trees, so I was able to dry them anyway.  I did have to put the pillow cases on racks in the house.  Thankfully, I was prepared for this.  I had two packages of clothesline for back up.  Back up items are always a blessing, and cuts back on the stress.  Be sure to back up anything you depend on.
For example, "Big Boy" is on a tie out (Orion, my daughter's buck), and has a shed.  The constant weather puts havoc on his tie out cable, and rusts.  Rust will eventually break the cable.  So, my list of back up items for him are extra cables, a tie out stake, and collar.  I remember one time, in a rain storm, his collar broke, and my son and I were scrambling to find something to use in a pinch - an old dog collar.  It held up until I could get to the store, but having these items on hand is a huge relief.  

After yesterday's fiasco with the clothesline, I started to think more about preparedness.

So, what to you keep on hand for "back up" relief?



  1. I have often thought of making a fly curtain but have never managed to collect enough before the idea has dwindled. I love the little necklace how about some earings to match?

  2. I always have bottled water in scalded out 2&3-liter soda bottles plus plenty of toilet paper, pet food and chocolate on hand. We found during the aftermath of Hurricane Fran a few years back that those are the REAL necessities in our house. LOL

    We only tie our dog Buddy out when we're home to supervise him. Otherwise he's in a nice secure kennel. I've always been cautious about tying out an animal because though they can't go anywhere, something harmful like big dogs and such could come to them and harm them.

    We even have a kennel now for one of the cats on top of the dog's house in the dog's kennel. It's made of bread racks left over from Hostess when that company went under screwed together two-by-two across in a huge cube with a top and bottom of the same thing. It has a house inside that she loves. That keeps her nice and safe and dry and cozy when we're at work too.

    God bless.



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