Thursday, April 18, 2013

Turtles Bookmarks

I am working on crocheted turtle bookmarks

This turtle one, was eye-spied by my 11 year-old, who loves turtles.  Guess who got this one?  Yup.  She got it.  I was too tired to argue with her.

I thought they would be fun for kids to shop for, on "Kid's Day" at the Farmer's Market.  They are so cute, adults may even want to buy one.   I am still working on more ideas.


  1. All my girls loved turtles.
    Very cute!

  2. Very cute. Mine would probable use them for book markers. That's until the cats found them.

  3. Oh yes I was just reading Michelle's comment and yes the idea of cats. The crochet turtles are beautiful for kids ...and cats to play with! Always nice to broaden your market :)

  4. Very cute! as Michelle (above) I thought book markers!


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