Friday, April 19, 2013

Jesse and a Road Trip

(Jess with his sore paw last winter)

Poor Jesse.  His paw is just not healing.  Sometime last fall he stepped on something (or something bit him, or something is still embedded in his paw).  He was put on medication twice, but it's not healing and once again, I took him to the vet.

He's scheduled for surgery next week.


  1. Oh POOR puppy, I hope he will be OK.So sad to see animals in pain.
    Nancy Jo

  2. Poor little thing! I hope all goes well with the surgery.

  3. We had the same problem with our dog Attuck. They finally did surgery and found out that a fox tail had worked it's way up his leg. Poor guy hope he gets better.

  4. Poor Jesse! I hope this helps him to get better!

  5. Oh the poor little thing. Have you tried green clay cataplasms? It might draw out the infection or what ever is in there. It might be worth a try and in any case it won't make things worse!

  6. Thank you for all your suggestions. Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. I hope to know more later that day.


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