Saturday, April 13, 2013

Toxic Toothpaste? ~ Vaccine Update

The holistic professional I speak with, explained to me once, that she does not use manufactured toothpaste.  She said it is too toxic.  

I too, started making my own toothpaste, but wanted to share this article about it, for those interested:  Is Your Toothpaste Making you Stupid?

And for a long time now, I have had my doubts about some of the vaccine's that are pushed on us.  Here is an article on the update:  Vaccine Legislative . . .

And why I buy organic (anything, not just rice), or grow/raise it myselfLead levels in rice. . . 

Just sharing for those interested.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't done flouride treatments in decades, and wouldn't let dentists do my kids either. I think there's a reason the govt. is medicating us that has nothing to do with our teeth :( It's about control.


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