Saturday, April 13, 2013

From the Gratitude Journal . . .

Today I am thankful for:

 ~ Organic bath salts for sore muscles

 ~warming, organic coffee

~for the library, and it's free access to books

~for God's Promises

~for hugs from my kids

~for the milk our goat's produce

~for the wrens singing outside

~for radio stations that continue to play uplifting, and inspirational music

~for soft cozy slippers

~for the pink carnations, and pink and white daisies on my kitchen windowsill    


  1. Oh how lovely that is, as I read your post I was sipping coffee and sat it down to say "ahh" out loud. It sounded so lovely and relaxing.

  2. I always love reading from your gratitude journal.

    thanks for sharing it...

  3. It's the simple things that truly make us happy.


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