Friday, April 5, 2013

Giveaway ~ Spring Extreme Clean

This is the next book I am giving away.  It's a hardcover, used library book (discarded and purchased at a thrift store).  It's a story about a family going from Indiana to California, and all that happens in between.

Be the first to ask for it, and it's yours!


  1. Ooh, would love this one! sounds really good!

  2. Oooo, I'd LOVE to have that book! I'll even throw in postage, I know it costs $$ to send :) I've been recently reading a bunch of "going west" books and love them.

  3. Congrats to BritChickNY. Please send me your info to ship it.

    Carolyn, if I have anymore "west" books, I'll let you know.

  4. A day late and a dollar short but that's okay. Was it fiction or non-fiction? I love the non-fiction about "the good old days"'s true...I'm old and looking back. Every generation does it so why not me? LOL! So glad you're feeling better! Spring is busy and I don't even have lambing season! TTYS!

  5. Without looking at the book, I believe it is fiction, but based on true events that did happen (fictional names etc).


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