Sunday, April 7, 2013

Camping Capers

If you have been a follower on my blog, you may remember our Camping Funny Post.

Well this time, this is what happened this past weekend. Yikes!  Look at picture #1 and then at #2.  See anything odd?

We left to do some fishing and when we got back, the awning was completely blown on top of the camper.  

Hubby I took the younger two girls camping, and once again, the weather man was wrong.  Instead of warm, sunny 60's, we had cold, cloudy, and very windy weather.  We fought the weather every day, until Sunday.  Cooking over the fire was a bit of a challenge.  I am glad we could borrow the camper, as it had electric heaters that we did have to use.  It was that cold Friday night.

Either way, and although we did not catch any fish (had a few tugs), we still had a good time.  Festivities were cards, glow-in-the dark Frisbee, and journaling.  The girls spent quite a bit of time writing stories and journaling (when they could).  I of course took a book, crocheting, and a journal.

About the card game.  I played go-fish with my youngest, but was instructed that when I would say "go fish" that I had to say "meow."  And it couldn't be just "meow."  It had to be enunciated in different tones and vocals. Ha ha ha!

We are back home today, and already have one load of laundry on the line.  Hubby and I do not own sleeping bags, so our home bedding went with us.  I think the kids sleep better with their own pillows too.  

Today is Hubby's last day of vacation, so we may go fishing this afternoon yet.  Although the camping trip was for relaxation, it was also a good time for the girls to practice their fishing skills.  We hope to catch a lot of fish to supplement our meals this summer.

Someone asked what fish we catch in our area.  Depending on where we go, catfish, bass, bluegill, perch, and in some areas trout. 

I hope your weekend was great too!      

1 comment:

  1. Camping in the wind is never any fun.
    I love to go fishing too and would really like to get several fish in the freezer for later eating. We never seem to catch more than a couple though. ;)


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