Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Garden, Handiwork and Family

. . . planted peas late last night, rain is due tonight.

. . . started yet another new project.  This one is for my youngest daughter.  I'll post an update when it's finished.

 . . . on my 3rd skein of yarn, crocheting my shawl.

. . . checked these books out from the library.  When our egg production increases, I hope to share our reviews on some of these recipes.  I think I may even invest in buying the book on vegetables.

 . . . put up an inexpensive net for badminton and volleyball net.  Future plans are to install 2 - 4 x 4's with eye screws in the future.

. . . our 13 year-old earned two 1's as scores on her choir contest pieces.

. . . Jesse (youngest dog) goes in for surgery today.



  1. wow some colourful yarn there in project for daughter. never seen any of these books.

  2. the crochet projects look lovely.
    hope your eggs do well and you get lots!
    Best of luck to the pup and Congrats to the daughter for doing so well...I'm assuming a 1 is AWESOME!?!

    :) Pat

  3. Pat, yes a #1 is top score. She had a solo and an ensemble.

  4. Love the vibrant colors you are using in your crocheting. My library needs more books like that! Prayers for your dogs surgery, may all fo well!

  5. Best wishes to Jesse. What do they think is wrong with his foot? Can't wait for you to try the recipes.

  6. Beautiful colors on your daughter project. Hopeing for a full recovery for your dog.

  7. Oh, can't wait to see that rainbow project!!

  8. Congrats to the 13 year old!
    I'm looking forward to seeing the completed crochet projects! :)


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