Monday, April 22, 2013

From the Gratitude Journal . . .

Today I am thankful for:

. . . for Hubby cooking me breakfast on the weekends

. . . for my washing machine and clothesline

. . . for soft pillows

. . . for our coffee maker that brews in 3 minutes

. . . phones

. . . for fragrant candles my Mom gave us

. . . good ol' fashioned, to-the-mailbox, mail

. . . the sun shining today and warmer weather

. . . God's availability, always there, always listening

. . . pens and pencils

. . . for my 19 year-old daughter getting a job yesterday.  She's officially employed.

. . . for locating an alpaca farm not too far from here.  You may hear more about this later.

Today, the weather is to be up in the 60's, so the washing machine is getting a workout.  So are my clotheslines.  The kids have not been counting eggs, so I may skip the egg count this year.  I have a few new tulips and hyacinths to plant today, and add yet a bit of more pink and purple to the gardens.  Bills need paid today too.  

The herb garden is looking nice already, and my green onions need divided out.  I am replanting a new rosemary plant, since I left mine out all winter (oops!).  The chives are looking great and my sage is doing good (lost them the previous winter).  Even parsley has popped up here and there, and the same with cilantro.  We may be planting peas tonight.




  1. Isn't it amazing how a bit of warmth and sunshine makes us feel!!
    My clothes lines are hanging heavy today as well.

  2. Great list. My rosemary stayed out all year also. I was surprised to see it made it thru the winter

  3. We have rosemary planted as a hedge along the front of the house, it does well all winter here in the AZ desert.
    Coffe maker that brews in 3 minutes?!? Must be nice!


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