Tuesday, March 26, 2013

You Bought What?!

"Please tell you are not buying that!" I scolded hubby.

"A guy at work is letting us give it a try.  That's all."

"Right!" I scolded in non-agreement.

"His kids are all in college and don't even use it anymore," he tried to coax me even more."

Two days go by.

"I thought you were just trying it out? I asked with eyes squinted.

Next thing I know, Hubby is out in that go kart and spinning wheels, with dirt all over his backside.  He comes back inside smiling.

"Uh, Honey? Can you wash this?" he asks.

(big long sigh from me)

Another day goes by. The kids have been driving it all over the farm.

"Mom, if you were driving it around when the bus pulls in, you'd be the coolest Mom ever!" exclaimed my 19 year-old daughter. 



  1. haha! Our husbands must be related!

    It does look like fun :)

  2. Thats so funny!! So have you got to take it for a spin yet?

  3. So were you diving it when the bus pulled in ... cool mom LOL

  4. Well, if you can't beat them, join them!

  5. Snow is melting and the entire property is a swampy, muddy mess. But when it dries (snort, he he) I'm takin' it for a spin. I just might happen to be out there when the bus pulls in (snort).


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