Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Road Trip ~ More Snow?!

Now this is how you get your laundry dried!  Wowzers!  Check out that clothesline!  Hubby and I laughed!  I need one that big

Hubby and I took another road trip, but this one was for heirloom seeds, seed potatoes, and onion sets.   

We decided to do some relaxing, scenic driving before we returned home.

Speaking of home.  This is what we woke to this Monday morning.  

There is about a three foot drift in the center of our horseshoe drive.  I am so glad we got the goats moved out of the big barn.  I never expected more snow.  Snow is expected all day today, and school is closed. 


  1. Sun and cloud here today and above the freezing mark. That said lots of snow still underfoot and lots of mud between the house and the barn by afternoon chore time. It feels like spring though which is delightful.

  2. How in the world do you get a clothesline that high? Could you see if one end was near the ground or if they had a pulley system to move them down the line?

  3. They did have a pulley that was attached to the silo (from what I could see). But I could not see where the lower end started. There were more like that, but I just couldn't get a good photo (traffic, and no where to pull over at the time).

  4. Well, that would sure keep my darm bucks from getting clothes off my line in the back yard where they are. If I hang anything out when they're out there, it's on the ground in no time.

  5. That is fabulous. LOVE the clothesline! Thanks for posting the picture!

  6. Cool clothesline. Wonder why up so high?


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