Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pet Funny

Name:  Jesse James Jackson

Occupation:  Family Therapist

Fee:  Mom's Homemade Pancakes

Disclaimer: If fee is not paid accordingly, you will be reprimanded by me stealing your slipper, and tearing up the bathroom trash (not to mention dragging it all over the living room floor). 


  1. Looks like you got off lightly this time :)

  2. What a cute pie, love the eyes!

  3. Please can I 'borrow' Dr Jesse, I can't shake this sinus infection and I know a big slobbery dog hug would help. Promise all the pancakes he can eat!!!

  4. Nancy,
    When we bought him, he was being sold in front of a grocery store by the only animal shelter that does not put animals down. He was only a little over 3 lbs. We think he is part husky, due to his blue eyes.

  5. Too cute! He reminds me of my old farm dog Abby. She was the best dog a girl could ever ask for! I bet he's a good one too! Well, except for the slipper and trash thing.


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