Tuesday, March 5, 2013

$5.00 Vintage Tablecloth

I'm sharing a few thrift store finds and bargains, that I got before getting sick.

Vintage tablecloth - $5.00, a hand towel and some hankies (can't remember what I paid).  I do use the hankies too, in case you are wondering.  I put my allergy easer oil on them, and tuck them in my purse when I am away from home.  The oil doesn't last as long, but it does help me, and I don't have to carry the oil with me.  The are fun to decorate around the house with too.  Oh, and I use the tablecloths every day.  With kids, they do get changed often, but I love them in my home.  

Of course, my very special ones, from my mother, are used on a small table in my own room.  

The hand towels are used in the kitchen, as well as in bathrooms here.  I also take a few when we go camping. 

Writer's Digest books for $.50/each - what a bargain!  I am sharing these books with the kids.  There is more than one writer in this home.  I thought we could use them to keep exercising our brains this winter.  Planting season is about to start.


I did not sleep well last night for some reason.  I have all the arsenal a person could need with the flu - air purifier, cold mist humidifier, etc.  I got up early anyway.  Maybe I am finally getting over this and don't need the sleep.  The sky is dark this morning - a sign that snow may be arriving today.  

I need to call about chick orders (layers and meat) this spring, and get a price for driver's education for my 16 year-old.  I finally found my magazine on breeds of chickens best for meat.  It was tucked inside my weekly/monthly organizer (that had been put to bed for a few weeks).  We have a busy weekend coming up too.

I ordered checks - gosh, they got expensive.  

I am not baking anything this week.  With so many upset stomachs in the house, it's been leftover homemade chicken noodle soup, toast, tea, crackers, and such. 



  1. Oh, I do hope you all heal up soon. Those bugs sure do like to make the rounds in a family!
    You asked about the Blackberry Salad pattern and it is free on www.ravelry.com just look for me on there and you'll have access to all my projects. Just look for Sandra Licher or saminar is my Ravelry id.
    There are so many free patterns on Ravelry....you'll love it!

  2. Beautiful finds! I LOVE it when those "oldies but goodies" end up at the thrift stores and I can find them :)

  3. I love vintage tablecloths...you are so lucky to find these. Take care of yourself, and get well.

  4. What beautiful thrift store finds! :)
    I just ordered checks recently too. Yikes!!

  5. Love the vintage tablecloths. So glad to read that you ues them. They sure make the house feel so bright and cheery! Hope that flu bug goes away for goood!

  6. Love the vintage tablecloths. So glad to read that you ues them. They sure make the house feel so bright and cheery! Hope that flu bug goes away for goood!


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