Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wacky Weather

We went from this on January 26th, to ....

...this a few days ago - warm and muddy mess.  I had to wear mucking boots out to put my laundry on the line.

  Today it's snowing again. 

All in a days work.

We now have three of us down with the crud.  I may have to make homemade cough syrup yet.  Looks like one of the kids will be cooking dinner again.  

My oldest daughter, although started getting sick later last night, stepped up to make dinner.  She was creative and scrambled eggs with my home canned salsa, and made egg sandwiches on English muffins.  For the side she cut up potatoes and fried them with cumin.  I regret not getting a photo.


  1. Wow! that sounds like our weather here sometimes. Kudos to your for continuing to hang your laundry out on an otherwise crummy day.
    Hope y'all get to feeling better.


  2. What a good girl for helping with cooking chores! :)
    I hope you guys can get over this bug soon. I'll bet it's extra hard when you keep passing it back and forth. The wacky weather probably isn't helping either.


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