Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baking in Cast Iron ~ Naughty Horse

Baking continues - Irish Soda Bread (Before)


Isn't it beautiful? Yum! 

I used a recipe I found on the internet, but used ricotta cheese in place of sour cream, and cut the 3 cups of raisins down to 2 cups.  I also baked it in a 12 inch cast iron pan vs. a 9 inch (didn't have one).  I just reduced the heat by 25 degrees about half way through the baking process.  The ricotta worked as well as the sour cream.  What can I say, part of our motto is "use it up."

Last night I woke coughed and coughed.  This morning I woke to a sore throat.  I am very low on honey so I cannot try the cough syrup Candy mentioned.  I hope to restock this weekend.   Two more girls are feeling ill now. 

Yesterday, while I was checking the soup on the crock pot, I looked out the window to see Blondie (my daughter's horse) with her head completely over the fence, eating the grass on the outside.  Hmpf.  I ran out and threw her some hay on the other side, to keep her mind off the grass out there.  She knows the fence is not electric.

Then when the three younger ones arrived, Blondie was doing it again.  So, out went my second oldest daughter, and got her head back in the fence.

Only a few minutes later, that daughter was back in, and my oldest was driving in the driveway.  In that short time, she (Blondie) go caught up in the fence and had her blanket half way down.  My son and I already straightened her blanket once in the morning.  She's been rolling in it already too.

Thankfully, the weather is warmer, and her blanket is off, but my oldest daughter had to fix the fence.  Naughty horse.   


  1. The soda bread looks good, I havent seen buttermilk sold here, could i use milk or even yoghurt?

  2. You can make your own buttermilk using 1 Tbsp. of white vinegar or lemon juice to 1 cup of milk. I am not sure yogurt would do the same as this substitute.

  3. next, you'll find Blondie trimming the front yard!

  4. Yum! You find the best recipes and I love that you use what you have on hand. In the old days that's how new recipes got invented! LOL!

  5. I love baking in the cast iron skillets AND I love Irish Soda Bread! I can see I'm going to have to make some soon! :)
    Bad horse, bad horse! But you know what they say...the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence! Hubby's horse actually has scars on his neck from leaning over the fence to eat the grass because there is a strand of barbed wire along the top. (sigh)


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