Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Loss of Gus

(photo taken by my 16 year-old daughter in September of 2012)

Last night Gus lost his life to a driver.  My son was out walking them as he always does, but but Gus chased after something.

The driver never stopped, and my son was outside when it happened.  The driver left behind their front license plate attached to a portion of their car, and our dog. 

We'll never know if it was truly an "accident" since the driver kept driving.

We've had very little traffic due to road construction, but all it took was one driver.

Please pray for our family, as we grieve over the loss of our dear family member Gus.  He will be forever remembered.

This is a very difficult day for our family.  My thoughts and stomach are not in agreement to write much more today, and several of the kids have final exams at school today.  I am not sure that any of us slept last night.  



  1. Kristina, I'm so sorry to hear this. You must all be so upset.
    Sending you all a big hug from Chamonix.

  2. I'm sorry for your family's loss of Gus. Keep him in your heart and he'll always be close by.

  3. I am sorry for your loss. Our fur babies give us so much and remember all those memories, it will warm your heart. Hug each other alot today.

  4. I am so very sorry to hear about Gus! I am sending big hugs to you all.
    I would call the Sheriff's office and report the license plate.

  5. I'm so sorry, I've lost 3 pets in a row, and it's hurts the heart....

  6. Oh...I'm just now reading about the loss of you beloved family pet, Gus.

    so, so sorry. Pat


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