Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Many exciting days ~ Dark Days Challenge

I'm sharing a photo that I took yesterday.  I was out putting clothes on the line, and heard this little guy pecking away at this dead part of the tree.  Sure enough, when I went and go my camera, he already went inside his new home.  I have such a difficult time taking good photos of birds, but keep trying.

It's busy week, starting this weekend.

In-school Christmas Choir Concert on the 21st.

A holiday gathering on the 22nd.

Our youngest celebrates her birthday on the 23rd.

We have another family gathering on the 24th.

Christmas at home on the 25th.

My wedding anniversary on the 26th.  Hubby has to work, so I have to figure out a plan for a romantic evening, and a 2 night getaway in the near future.   

I made a sausage/pototo soup for Dark Days Challenge.  I used corn that I bought locally, and had blanched for freezing.  I would have added garden carrots, but we are already out of them.  It tasted pretty good too.

My 18 year-old's friend was over yesterday, and I found out she works at a local meat store.  I found out they have hormone free/antibiotic free (and local) meats.  Next time I have extra cash, I'll be venturing over to see what I can buy for meals.



  1. I'm with you on photography and birds! They are hard to capture with the camera...I probably would need a better camera.
    Your sausage and potato soup reminds me of what my mom would call HASH. Anyway-- it looks good.
    Haven't done much blogging and am catching up need to see what the Dark Days Challenge is all about.

    Hope you get some good buys on HF meat...We have venison and chicken in the freezer pretty certain it's hormone if I can just get the hubby off the smoked store bought sausage and bacon. ;{

    have a great week...Pat

  2. What a busy week you have! Good deal finding out about the meat, sounds like what I get at the Farmer's Market! :) I like the addition of the corn in your soup. I have some in the freezer from this summer too.

  3. Congrats on the Dark Days recipes! Please post back on my blog what you're doing...


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