Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saturday was a doozie

Our day was everything but "farm" related I think.

First, we started out the day with a good work out at the gym.

Second, my oldest brother and his wife came over to help move my 18 year-old's belongings to the house (she's on break from college) and then took 2 of our 5 kids, that were home, out to dinner.

Thankfully, through a series of e-mails, we found a home for this precious pup, named Molly.  She turns 2 years old next March.

Times are tough, financially, for many people right now, and my ex-husband had to move and could not keep Molly.  She is a purebred chocolate lab and we had the blessing of having her for a day and night.  I'm so glad we did find a good home, or I would have kept this girl.  She is sooooo sweet.  It was sad and happy when we met up and delivered her to her new home.  The new owners were super excited to get her, and have had labs in the past. It couldn't have worked out better.  I have to admit, I already miss her.  She'll get lots of love.  I can't wait to get pictures when she has her puppies in the future. We even tied a bow onto her collar.

This morning I am breaking out these bad boys.  I already downed 2 cups of Creme Brulee (my brother and his wife gifted me these yesterday).

Last night ended with a bang.  A real bang.  You know when mother's get those calls and something just doesn't feel right?

I got several calls, but when I went to answer or text back....nothing.

Then I get a call on my 18 year-old daughter's cell, but it's not her.  It's her boyfriend's mother.  My daughter was in the hospital, and getting released already.  I was frustrated with not having had communication via cell phone, but hospitals kind of make it that way.  Plus, her phone had been left in the car, and only my daughter was taken to the hospital in the ambulance, while her boyfriend stayed back to talk to the police.

Her boyfriend picked her up to go to the movies.  They never made it there.  They were in a one-car, car accident, but thankfully they are both okay.  They will be very sore, as the seat belts and air bags both worked.  The car is a loss, so they are lucky to walk away from this.

Moms and Dads, go hug your kids.       


  1. Glad your daughter is ok! My daughter survived a rollover on icy roads, thankfully was wearing her seatbelt. Only has bumps and bruises...

  2. Oh my!! I'm so glad your daughter was okay!!

  3. OMG! I am so glad they are okay. They were so lucky they had their seatbelts on.That is a true blessing they were not seriously hurt. Glad they are okay.


  4. My worst fear. We have had freezing rain on and off all day and the kids were anywhere but home. I was going crazy with worry. All home now, thank goodness. Hope your daughter is okay and not too stiff.


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