Monday, December 17, 2012

From the Homesteading Journal . . .

Yesterday I posted that we broke into these bad boys, and boy did we.  He he he!  SnortI even got caught making the chocolate almond coffee and not saving any for my 16 year-old.

...."Mom?!  What's this?" she said waving the empty coffee wrapper. (he he he)

 . . . we finally got the goat stalls started in the other barn.

 . . . this is where they will be going.  I must move my windows that will eventually be my greenhouse, and that fencing will be the new grazing area for the goats.

  . . . this door will come in handy, as the fencing will be behind this side of the door.

. . . we have some work to do yet.  this door has missing boards, so we will need to do more repairing as we build the stalls.

 . . . here is one recycled gate that came out of the barn we will be tearing down.

 . . . the weather has been a bit wet, but you can see we do not have snow yet.  Thankfully.  

 . . . this week I am still working on homemade Christmas gifts.




  1. Looks like your goats will be living in style! We really need a bigger barn....our shed is getting a bit crowded. We haven't had any snow yet, and I'm not upset about it. A green Christmas is fine with me :)

  2. I better not let my goats see this or I will have a riot on my hands! What a nice space to be able to rework! :)

  3. Nice area! Wish I had a couple of goats, sigh... nice looking chickens too!


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