Monday, December 10, 2012

Progress of Projects and Morning Rambling

(bottom two right drawers are only primed)

...still painting kitchen cupboards, and putting old knobs back on for now.  More to paint....

...I haven't had much free time to work on my knitted shawl, but it's down to the last 20 or so rows and then the fringe. has not been conducive to putting up outside Christmas lights - rain, rain and more rain.  It's not helping me dry my laundry either.  

...finally started a variegated blue set of pot holders for my Mom.

..the search for jobs has become a tedious headache.  Unless I want to be a truck driver or dancer, there isn't much out there right now.

...Tiger or Jasper got another mouse in the house (not sure which cat got it, but they are both getting treats. son's most current drawing, and soon to be for sale. son took our youngest dog (Jesse) to the vet today for me.  He suffering from two puncture wounds on his paw that won't heal.  We have no idea what happened to him either.



  1. Wow, your son's drawing is wonderful!!
    Sorry about the job thingy. I would sure hate to have to find a job here in our little town. So far, the money I make from the Farmer's Market has been enough.

  2. Raising many kids today is pretty costly anymore. Public school costs are horrible on top of just feeding and clothing and paying utilities anymore.


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