Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Doggie Dreamland

Jesse is sporting new bright green bandage tape on his paw today.

Jesse took nice long siesta, after his trip to the vet.  Just before my son left with him, I put Jesse's Thundershirt on him.  

You'd think this jacket had drugs in it.  He's so calm when he has it on, and he slept like a baby.

Poor guy.  His foot does have an infectionHe's on medication for a week.  Whatever he stepped on outside really did a number on his paw.


  1. Well poor little guy! Keep that shirt on him, he needs to heal. Bless his heart! Thanks for coming by this morning! Have a great day!

  2. I am so glad Jesse is on the mend. Love the shirts. Give him a hug and kiss from me.

  3. Ah poor little sweetie! I wish they'd had those vests when we had our Aussie, she was terrified of loud noises...

  4. I hope he gets to feeling better soon!! It's so hard when our furry friends are hurt or sick.


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