Thursday, December 13, 2012

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie. . .

from the homesteading journal . . .

...dh won't be hunting for deer this upcoming weekend - no extra cash for the hunting license.  I've only spotted 3 deer here this season.  There has also been talk of sick deer this year.

...dh and I have been reading up on what types of meat chickens are best (check the latest issue of Backwoods Home Magazine for a good article).  We've raised one breed so far.

...there's a job opening for a cook at the county jail, but I'm afraid to ask hubby if he approves (most likely not).

...hubby and I have talked about investing in a hand pump for the well in the future.  We are still talking about plans for raising meat (pig and cow), and possibly a dairy cow.  

...I am very impressed with the new handmade recipe I found for grout/tile cleaner.  It's inexpensive,  works better than store brands, and does not have a nasty chemical smell.

from the Handicraft Journal . . .

(Started 9-20-2012)

 (one finished, the second is half done)

...almost finished a pot holder set for my mother's cousin.  I got side tracked with other work.

 ...crocheted cup cozy, just like the one above, for a stocking stuffer for one of the girls.

from the Family Journal . . .

...our 10 year-old is entering the seasonal "design a Christmas card" contest.

...I checked out 2 card game books from the library.  I am going to re-teach myself how to play Gin Rummy and teach my kids.
 (side with driveway)

 (front porch and upper floor)

...put up the outside Christmas lights this year. We haven't done this for almost 5 years now.  This is not as easy as you think.  We have zero outlets on the old farm house.  When the last homeowner added on, they added outside outlets on the back half.  My son had to "McGiver" these to one outlet and a then a timer.

from the Gratitude Journal . . .

~my clothesline (even when it's snowing out) 
~cheap coffee
~our canned food supply
~pen and paper
~mild weather
~natural salves for tired and sore hands
~God's Promises  

from the Exercise Journal . . .

...walking at least 2 miles a day (running 3 minutes), down another 2 pounds.


  1. Hi Kris,
    Looks like you as busy as always.
    Hope something comes your way as far as a job, even part time.
    How about a waitress job? I was a waitress for 30 years and made good money. Plus you come home with money everytime you work.
    Still mild here for winter, not sure if we will even have a white Christmas.
    Nancy Jo

  2. Congratulations on your weight loss. That's a tough process (I'm working on it, also). Love your gratitude for the small things - like the clothesline. Hope a job opens up for you soon.

  3. We did not put up the outside lights this year, just not in the mood.
    I like the picture of your laundry in the snow! :)


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