Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Sunrise ~ Bringing in the Christmas Season

Up early, to start the cooking, I glanced outside to see the most beautiful sunrise.  

While taking a few photos, I noticed a jet flying right through the clouds.  Imagine what those passengers saw in their window.  Gorgeous.

 I put together a cute clothespin ornament over at S.C.R.A.P.  I hope to have a few more before the special day arrives.

 Yesterday, while crocheting in my reading chair, I glanced out to see two cardinals in the evergreen tree.  By the time I got out there, I only got this one photo.  They were singing and flying around together.

However, while I was out there, I noticed the lack of highway traffic, and the absolute peace and quiet.  Although I won't be able to drive south on the highway (due to the next little town hooking up to city water and sewer and roads closed) without a detour, I will enjoy this quiet time.  Every day, cars, trucks, and semi's pass on a constant basisNow, we have long breaks from even seeing a vehicle pass.  Oh, I am so going to enjoy this time.  Detour or not.  

Happy Thanksgiving! 



  1. Sending Love, Light and Peace from my farm to yours - Blessings

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! What a beautiful sunrise and how fun to get to see the cardinals! Enjoy your peace and quiet from the traffic! :)

  3. Love the snowman, will be trying this this weekend with my boys!


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