Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hair Cut ~ Write Out

It's a bad photo, but you can see the length of my hair.  I have not gotten it cut at a salon for two years.  Why? I simply put it off, due to expenses for the kids, school costs, car repairs, and household expenses and repairs.  Basically, I put myself last.  It's a bad habit.

I think my kids get one once a year, and then I try to trim their hair myself.  With such a large family, haircuts are not that often around here.'s the day.  I will donate the hair, as I have done before, if I have enough to cut off. If I get the chance, I'll have a photo taken of the length after it's cut, and update it here.

Today, I'll be roasting the Thanksgiving turkey a day in advance, baking a pumpkin pie and writing.  I hope to write all afternoon today.

Have a Happy and Peaceful Thanksgiving!   


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!
    Your hair is beautiful! Sadly, after my pregnancy, my hair refuses to grow any longer and is thinning out. Guess it's worth it though!

  2. I had long hair...this time a year ago. It was down to my butt! I got it cut...but because I had colored it...I didn't donate. (I was told they wouldn't take it)
    Same as you... put myself last when it came to things like that.
    So glad I cut took the weight off, and my headaches were lessened.
    Have a great day writing.
    We're smoking our Turkey today and I'm also doing some baking.


  3. Your hair is lovely! I must admit, my hair is my vanity and I just can't cut it off. It is down past my waist right now because it hasn't been trimmed in at least two years. You are a good person to donate!
    Have a nice Thanksgiving!! :)

  4. Long hair is a crown of glory. I have long hair too, down to my bum, and only trim it up a few times a year. Dearest likes me to have long hair, but there are days..............!

  5. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you have a great day.

  6. You're hair is absolutely beautiful!!! I can't imagine cutting it, but someone will be very blessed to have it as their own.

    Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to you and all of yours!!

  7. Gorgeous hair! I went to a medium/shorter cut a few years ago, but I got tired of the longer hair. When I went shorter people told me I looked younger :) Much lower maintainence too!


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