Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thrift Store Finds ~ Corn Crops and Allergies

As promised, here some thrift store finds I found recently.  I set out in search for a nice pair of dress pants for one of the girls.  We did find a pair for $1.00.

I found the hot iron transfers for $.50....

 A seat cover for my desk chair - $3.00.  These sell for $12.00-14.00 each in stores.  Even Big Lots.  It didn't take Tiger long to find it.

 A vintage hankie for $.50....

 And this vintage recipe binder, complete with tab dividers and extra paper - $1.00.  I really didn't need to buy this, but after reading about avocado green and harvest gold, at Pat's blog Corn in my Coffee Pot, I just had to buy the thing.  It was just screaming "buy me, buy me."

I'll be locked up inside, nice and tight today.  The farmer is taking out all the corn crops that surround our property.  There won't be any laundry on my line today either, as this stirs up dust, allergens, and a mass of teeny tiny black bugs.

They started taking them out late last night, keeping me up, with that "beep, beep, beep" every time they backed up. Ugh.

Today I woke up with sinus pressure, a sinus headache, ear drainage and such.  I've already had my elderberry tea, so I hope to battle this out today.   

It would have been an excellent day to pull more plants form the garden and make a visit to the front porch.  


  1. I love that binder! The graphics AND THE COLOR!
    So cool. Perfect for a journal junkie!
    Are you planning on using the transfers for tea towels or pillow slips? or resell? Just curious. I have some transfers from my mother inlaws things and I thought about using them. Do you think they are re-usable or are they a ONE-time-Use only?
    ...thanks for the shout outs and howdies!


  2. looks like a good day at the thrift to me. Gotta love those stores.
    Guess its a good day to use some of those embroidery transfers if you have to stay inside.
    Nancy Jo

  3. Cute finds! HAve you ever thought of buying a HEPA filter for your bedroom? Cuts down on the pollen, etc....

  4. the elderberry tea should help; I drink elderberry juice every few months and feel it helps boost my immune system.
    farmers are cutting corn around here as well but far enough away I can still use the laundry line.

  5. Lots of fun thrift store finds! I hope your allergies ease up a bit after the corn is harvested...


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