Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fancy Pen ~ Dehydrating

Here is another one of my fun pens.  This one lights up in the bottom, and flashes different colors when I write.  I can also turn of the light.

Hubby and I went to a choir concert last night.  Two of the girls were in it.  However, this morning they are grouchy.  Anytime they have an event on a school night, it wears them out.

I'm not sure what's on today's agenda today, other than cleaning up the mess the kids left in the kitchen, and laundry.

Yesterday I filled the dehydrator with more green peppers and one tray of jalapeno peppers.  I stocked up the dried ones and ground the cayenne to a powder.  Next on the list is making my own onion powder.  I'll have to wait until next season to make my garlic powder (unless I can find USA grown garlic here).  I re-planted my remaining garlic.

I also made a batch of breakfast burrito filler, using up more green peppers and onions.  I still have more in my garden basket too.

If the farmer is far enough away today, I will pull more garden plants, and weed the flower beds.  And of course, I'll be writing also.  Now that we have the goats dried up, I buy organic milk - $6.99/gallon.  We'll need the extra cash if we want milk this winter.




  1. I've tried making powders with onions and garlic but I can't quite get it to the right consistency I want. What do you use to grind them up with? Love all the cute vintage finds on your blog!! Have a great day!

  2. I have tried grinding my dried veggies in my food processor, and it did not work very well. Then I tried a small coffee bean grinder. It worked great.

  3. $6.99 a gallon! Yikes!! My goat is drying up and I'm NOT looking forward to having to buy milk again. :(

  4. Revisiting your dehydration posts...
    I'm looking for ideas, reading this one reminded me I have some jalepenos that need to be used up!


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