Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hedge Apples ~ NaNoWriMo ~ Today's Agenda (or not)

Thanks to my Mom, we are now locked and loaded with an arsenal of hedge apples.  Spiders beware! Bwahahaha!

November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  I gear up to write each November - 50,000 word novel.  I follow Rachelle Gardner's site and today's post reminds writers. It will be my third year to participate. Maybe one day, one of these will make it to print.  

What I get to do today (or not):

~scatter hedge apples around the house and wood barn

~dig up glady bulbs (way behind in getting this done)

~let the chickens out, check goat's water buckets

~finish the dishes the kids did not (ugh)

~sweep, vacuum, clean one bathroom (double ugh)

~write out a list for the store

~can jelly for Christmas

~make ground cayenne (already dehydrating)


~check e-mail

. . . .I might be lucky to get one or two things done today.  My neck is still hurting, node is still swollen, allergies are not backing down and I feel miserable.  I literally wanted to go to bed at 5pm last night.  That's how tired allergies make me feel.  My ears are draining, head hurts......and my elderberry juice concentrate has not arrived.   Next year I'm planting a entire field of elderberries (if it does work).  

I'm a tea junkie this week, adding immunity oils to my teabags, and hoping one of these natural remedies will help me.  Say a little prayer, would ya'?  I really don't like the thought of a biopsy. I'd like to prove the doctors wrong.  I may just toss this list today, and crawl back on bed, or high-tail it to the sofa for the day - my laptop, paper and pen, and a good book sounds better already.


  1. Where do you get hedge apples. We have a terrible spider problem.

  2. My Mom gets the hedge apples from a tree the city planted (where she lives). I don't have any around me. Sometimes you can find them at produce stands for sale.

  3. are these the same as the Osage Oranges I see around in my neck of the woods? They are good at keeping spiders away? Who knew.

  4. Faith, yes they are. I can't get them anymore. The tree my Mom got them from was cut down by the city sadly.


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