Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Black Walnut Dye ~ Home Canned Applesauce

There are so many versions of using walnuts for dye, including making a dye for stamping fabric.  I decided to soak some walnuts in water for 3 days  (slightly browned).  I ran the liquid through a strainer, lined to catch all the small stuff.

I did not use a mordant, because I want to see the difference in colors both ways - with and without a mordant.  I'm not an expert at using natural dyes.  

First I made sure my yarn was completely wet, and placed it into my dye.  I let it set over night.

(photo doesn't show the color here very well)

In the morning I rinsed it and allowed it to dry. I will try to dye again, using a mordant.  I would like to see a darker, richer brown than this light tan color it produced.  Although I will use this yarn for some future project as it is.

 (photo doesn't show the color here very well either, next to the walnut dyed yarn it appears more of an aran or cream with a pink hint in the color)

(dye made from wild rosehips prior to straining it, and adding the alum mordant)

 I also rinsed the yarn that I let sit over night in the rosehip dye.  It's not a pink as I thought it would be.  I may need more, or pick earlier for a brighter color.  The dye bath was a pretty color, but the yarn wasn't.  It's  very pale rose color.  I may re-dye it with pokeberry if I can find any around here.  The instructions I used were different also. 

Yesterday I also canned 3 1/2 pints of homemade organic apple sauce.  I had to buy my organic apples, as our trees are not mature.  However, 6 lbs. should have given me 5 pints or so.  I will be weighing my apples at the store next time.  I canned it without any sugar or flavorings added. Mmmm!  I used Gala apples.  They were the only organic apples for sale.  

I dehydrated a dryer full of green peppers - no room in the freezer now.  I'm starting to grind them to a powder to add to meats later this winter (ground meats). 

I baked more Healthy Banana Cookies and then took a tea break.  I surely needed it.   Then it was off to the library.  I had some books come in relating to natural dyes.

The chimney sweep came early, so now we can burn wood.   That's a relief. 

The day wasn't over then either.....picked a strainer full of green beans.

Dinner was delicious, although I had little ambition in the process.  Our green peppers are still exploding, so I made stuffed green peppers.  I used a recipe I found at the Gracious Pantry on-line


Instead of ground turkey (couldn't find it), I used 50/50 lean ground beef and salt/pepper sausage.  Instead of adding the powdered onion and garlic, I used fresh.  Instead of store bought sauce I used one quart jar of my home canned sauce.  I also tossed in 1 cup of cooked brown rice.  Oh my word, were these good.  You had to use a knife to cut them, but eat with a spoon to savor all that delicious sauce with every bite.  Yum!  Oh, and I saved the extra filling for burritos or other quick meals.


  1. Kristina,
    I did not use a mordant and got a deep brown. The difference,is heating the wool in the dye for about 2 hrs. between 160 -180 degrees.

  2. It's great you're using natural dyes :) My apples failed this year, so I was only about to make about 5 Qts. Froze mine...

  3. Teri, Thanks. I may wait it out and let more walnuts brown more than the last batch and see if my brown will be darker.

    I was to get crab apples from family, but the trees didn't produce enough. Must have been the lack of rain possibly. They they had bug problems.


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