Monday, October 8, 2012

Freezer Meals ~ Breakfast Burritos ~ The Weekend

I am experimenting with recipes for freezing breakfast burritos. We have a large supply of peppers, potatoes, and onions from the garden.  We also have a good supply of eggs from our chickens.  

So why not utilize it into freezer meals for breakfast?  Kind of a neat way to stock up differently.

First we made a batch with home grown onions, green peppers, potatoes and home canned salsa.  Then we added some sausage and a bit of cheese. Oh, and the kids opened another jar of home canned taco sauce to top these tasty burritos.

Next, I made a batch with the same starter veggies, but added spinach in place of sausage and cheese.  Yum.  I used four types of peppers from the garden for this batch.  Yum!  Next?  Hmm?  Got any ideas?

I guess we'll need to invest in a large freezer now.  Sigh...(in a good way).

The Weekend....

Saturday I spent the most part running around town to get the one car fixed up - new washer blades, fluid.  Then I made a quick trip to the thrift store for pants for a school event, for one of the girls.  I picked a huge basket of all the peppers I could fit in my basket from the garden, and more onions.  There is more out there yet.

I finished the night by making a trip to urgent care, then coming home to take photos of my 15 year-old for homecoming.  I ended the night with my own version of Chex Mix, and watched a movie with two of the girls.

Sunday I unfortunately did laundry.  We expected snow, but got some drizzle early in the day.  I prepped a pan of rosehips for a dye (I had to go out and pick more), then made a big pot of hot cranberry punch.  I sipped it and tried to update the homesteading journal. I got out my Christmas Journal and made notes on food lists, and foods to make this year.  I went through my gift ideas and picked a few to work on. Then I worked on a knitting.

How was your weekend?


  1. My weekend was a busy one, just like yours. I hope everyone is okay, because of the trip to the Urgent Care!!

  2. Not quite as busy as yours! :)
    My Saturdays are pretty much completely taken up by the Farmers' Market and Sunday is grocery shopping and laundry catch up.

  3. These breakfast burritos look delicious!!! What a perfect solution to garden abundance and quick and fast for school mornings. Yummy!!!


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