Monday, October 1, 2012

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

from the family journal . . .

. . . our 15 year-old daughter raised $104.00 for the Humane Society Mutt Strut fundraiser.

. . . I have been taking my 15 year-old parking lot driving, and now on 2 lane highways (gulp!).

. . . it was nice to see the girls playing a board game recently.

. . . spent a day taking school photos of my 15 year-old daughter.  It's been nice on the pocketbook, to take these photos myself.

from the homesteading journal . . .

. . .froze two more quart bags of peppers from the garden, dug up the last of the red potatoes and sweet potatoes.  Picked another strainer full of peppers.  There are still two more rows to pick from.

...made homemade dog treats in my dehydrator. The dogs loved these. 

 (These two photos were from May of 2012)

...coming to an end on cleaning the wood barn.  We let someone borrow the wood splitter, so we are splitting by hand until it's returned.  The farm truck is broke down, so we have to fix that before we haul more wood. Not a great start for fire wood this season, but we'll get it cut.

 Our one black walnut tree was recently trimmed by the city.  It is right under the utility wires, and they spent the summer trimming most trees.  We feared they would cut this tree completely down, as they were with others.  My 10 year-old said to me "Do I have to chain myself to the tree?"  Thankfully, they just trimmed it, and it may actually help it produce better next year.  We picked up a bag full of walnuts for harvesting and for making a dye.

I picked a strainer full of sugar snap peas, some heirloom lettuce that reseeded itself twice now, and some organic swiss chard (which I blanched and froze).

I am still getting herbs, so decided to dry more lavender, spearmint and lemon.  I have plans to make a tea,

from the handicraft journal . . .

. . .our 10 year-old daughter brought home orders for 4 Team Spirit crocheted  scarves.


  1. Hey Kris,
    Kudos to your wonderful daughter for raising such a generous amount of money for the H.S.,,, wish we had more teens like her. Hugz!
    Yep, that time of year to get the last of the drying of herbs & what nots done.... I have been sharing some of my dried (on the plant) lavender plants with my friends who have chickens,,,seems the chickens like lavender to fuss with... just toss the buds all along the ground of their pen.
    Well have a Happy Harvest....this is my week to finish putting the garden to bed & try to un-do the damage our 'rats with antlers (deer) have done to our shrubs & trees! yep, it's Autumn... :>)

  2. Thanks for the tip about the lavender and the chickens. My daughter also volunteered to take photos and help create a flyer for the H.S. too. Last year, she raised about $20.00. She was pretty excited to raise so much.

  3. Wow, congrats to your daughter, what a good thing she did!! :)
    I love your Journal Junkie posts and seeing the pictures of your everyday life!!


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